One-Touch Entertainment Control
The legendary Complete Control line delivers reliable, single-room entertainment
control via handheld remote or mobile app.

Brilliant 2.4" color LCD screen - displays up to 8 buttons per screen
Ergonomic design with backlit hard button keypad and on-board speaker
Controls A/V through walls and cabinet doors, or from outside
Rechargeable battery
Charging Cradle included
Pick -Up sensor wakes remote up when lifted, preserving battery charge

Handheld remote with brilliant 2” color LCD
Displays up to 6 buttons per screen
Ergonomic design
Backlit hard button keypad with intuitive layout
Delivers single-room, one-way IR control
Controls A/V through walls and doors, or from outside
Rechargeable battery with tabletop charging cradle
Compatible with URC Complete Control

Handheld remote with 1.5” color LCD screen
Displays up to six buttons per screen
Delivers single-room, one-way control of IR devices
Operates on standard AA alkaline batteries
Compatible with URC Complete Control

MRF-260 Base Station
RF to IR base station for URC Complete Control
Receives RF signal from remote and converts to IR
Delivers IR commands to A/V components
Uses Narrow Band RF
Minimizes RFI effects in highly-populated markets

MFR-350 Base Station
RF to IR base station for URC Complete Control
Receives RF signals from remote and converts to IR
Reliably delivers IR commands to A/V components
Uses Narrow Band RF
Minimizes RFI effects in highly-populated markets
Allows for connection of multiple audio and video components